Wekah Technologies Ltd.

June 2024

Imigongo Farms at N’dego , Eastern Province , Rwanda on the Shores of Lake Nasho in transition from foundation to the operation phase

A 120 Hectares Productive Farm, First of it’s kind in Rwanda, Combining fruit tree plantations for exports like Mango, Avocado, Macadamia, intercrop of Cereals
and Legumes in the first years, and intensive vegetable growing. Advanced irrigation technology from Israel and 100% ecological Renewable Energy operation with Solar Pumps.

Imigongo Partners Ltd. is an Impact Investing Company aimed at the Food Security and up-grade of technology in Farming in Rwanda and Jobs Creation for sustainable Rural Development and economic impact.
Wekah Technologies Ltd. Provides a complete integral Consulting Service from initial Feasibility Study and planning, to project Integration Operation and Agronomy.
Last week the Complex irrigation and water conveyance was put to work successfully and planting of fruit trees and cereals commenced with advanced cultivation methods.

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